Things to know & rules about The Grind - Reverse

The Route
- The route is made up of dirt roads, jeep track, and some tar at the start and finish. Please obey the rules of the road at all times.
- There are parts of the road that have been damaged owing to lack of maintenance, so please be aware of potholes, deep tracks and puddles and mud.
- Our suggestion is to have an SUV, 4×4 as your support vehicle.
And speaking of Support Vehicles:
Support vehicles
To ensure the safety of all participants, strict rules apply to this aspect of the event.
- Only ONE support vehicle per rider will be allowed.
- A Support vehicle is optional, but if you have a technical problem, you are on your own. We will not be providing tech support en route.
- One support vehicle may support more than one rider.
- All registered support vehicles must depart from the Start at least 30 minutes before the start of the race.
- Support vehicles will proceed to the 1st water table and wait for their rider.
- No vehicles will be permitted to travel back against the direction of the route.
- Support vehicles are not permitted to stop anywhere between water tables along the route, unless special permission has been granted. Such vehicles will have an OFFICIAL sticker on. Medical vehicles are allowed to stop in order to provide medical assistance.
- Support vehicles are not permitted to drive behind, next to or in front of their rider in an effort to offer assistance of any form.
- Speeds of support vehicles are to be kept to a maximum of 40km/hr when passing riders.
- Always be aware of riders coming from behind on a descent.
- Speeds of support vehicles are to be kept to a maximum of 80km/hr when traveling on ‘clear’ roads.
- Support vehicles which are breaking the above rules will result in the disqualification of their riders.
- All litter and refuse is to be removed by the support vehicle responsible for that rider.
- No flashing or strobe lights allowed on support vehicles
Registration and Race Number Pickup
When: Wednesday 5 February 2025
Time: 12h30 until 17h00
Where: Race Number pickup at JoziGin Bryanston, cnr Post House & Main Rd.
If you can’t make it, you can collect on Saturday morning, but please get there early
Out of Towner’s: If you cannot collect your race number – there will be race number pickup at the start from 05.30 to 06.00
Race Number / Rider Identification
- All bikes must have the specific rider’s race number board attached to the front of the bike.
- The race number on the board must be visible from the front and free from obstructions like cables or other items.
- Riders on bikes without a race number board at the front will not be allowed into the Start Zone.
- The race number board must be fitted securely and stay there for the duration of the event.
- The race number board must not be modified in any way, including cutting, folding or adding/removing stickers. (PLEASE NOTE: By modifying the number board in any way will lead to immediate disqualification)
- It is each rider’s responsibility to check that he/she has the correct number attached to the bike. This is extremely important.
- Be sure your bike is in good mechanical order.
- Riders must start and finish the event on the same bike.
- E-Bikes are allowed, but are not eligible for prizes.
No towing is allowed.
Start Time
The start and finish venue is Maropeng in the Cradle of Humankind. Food and drinks will be on sale and there are shower facilities.
- 06.30 for 150km riders.
- 06.40 for 70km riders
- Please ensure that you are in your chute, 10 minutes before the start for rider briefing. If you are not at rider briefing, and there are changes that are announced. Tough..
Rules of the Road
- All roads are public roads and therefore Rules of the road apply.
- All riders and drivers must adhere to the rules of the road at all times.
- No exceptions, privileges or leniency to the rules of the road are granted to any rider or driver.
- Riders and drivers should keep to the left side of the road.
- All drivers of support vehicles are to drive at the event speed limits with regards to safety and the minimizing of dust, flying stones etc.
- Should the support driver encounter a rider requiring medical attention, you are expected to stop to provide assistance.
- You are asked to contact the emergency number that is clearly displayed on the riders race number board.
- If the rider is in serious trouble do not leave the rider until medical personnel arrive.
Support vehicles are not allowed to overtake riders on descents. If you encounter a rider on a descent please keep a safe following distance. Make sure it is safe before you overtake the rider.
Speed limits (Support vehicles)
- Maximum speed for the duration of the route is 80km/hr.
- Maximum speed when overtaking riders is 40km/hr.
- Support drivers who exceed the speed limit or drive recklessly risk the disqualification of their riders.
All DNF’s (Did Not Finish) must be reported to the timing company at the finish line.
Water points
- Water points will be set up at each checkpoint.
- Water, jelly babies, bar-one’s, fruit will be available at these water points.
- Riders must carry their own personal choice of energy drinks, bars or foods.
- Please take note that riders must rely on their support vehicles for extra water and food.
Cut-off times
- There is one cut-off point at Waterpoint 5 (117km) for the 150km riders. The cut-off time is 15.00.
- The event cut-off is at 16.30 for all riders on Saturday.
- Riders arriving after the cut-off must be transported to the finish by their support vehicle.
Prize Giving
- Race category winners are eligible for prizes provided that no rules of the event have been contravened and no protests have been lodged against the winners.
- Please note that there will be a Prize Giving once the top 3 riders for the 150km and 70km have finished in the Men’s and Ladies categories.
- If you are unable to attend prize giving, all we ask is that if you are eligible for a prize, you inform the timing crew at the finish so your apology can be noted.
- There are some fun lucky draw prizes during the day, but if you are not present, you will miss out.
- In both the 150km and the 70km, the only categories will be for male and female – 1st, 2nd & 3rd.